Friday, May 9, 2008

The sweetest guy you'll ever meet!

I have some friends I work and play with and wanted to share their photos, they mean a lot to me in more ways than I can express.

This is Marvin Edward Huckins. I mostly call him Eddie, but sometimes Marvin( depending on my mood).
He's been such a great friend and I've learned so much from him. He's returned me to my "religious" roots. He's also taken on some of my burdens and lightened my load, in a way no one before him had ever done for me. He's a great man; kind and thoughtful and he has restored my faith in mankind. Thanks Eddie, for everything.

This is Mercedes; she is my friend, my boss and my mentor. She's taken my under her wing and helped me believe in myself and my talents and intelligence. I would love to have her intelligence and drive. Love this woman !

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